
At the core of our mission lies a commitment to technology-driven projects aimed at enhancing the lives of our community members. By leveraging technology, we strive to empower our community with transformative experiences, enabling them to not only access but also embrace and enjoy the benefits of technological advancements. Through our projects, we bridge the gap between innovation and accessibility, ensuring that everyone can participate in and appreciate the positive impact of technology on their daily lives.

Who We Are

AFRICAN CHILD PROJECTS is a youth-led organization registered as Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) under the NGO Act of 2002 with registration number 00NGO/R2/000476.

AFRICAN CHILD PROJECTS focuses on bridging the digital divide and bringing internet access to communities in Tanzania by building digital societies. With projects around 4 thematic areas: Technology, Education, Research, Policy and Regulations

Vision, Mission & Values

Transformed Communities: Our vision drives initiatives and actions that empower individuals, enhance living conditions, and foster sustainable growth within these communities.

Build bridges between Africa and the World: With this we aim to bridge the digital divide and bring internet access to communities in Tanzania by building digital societies.

We believe in; Technology for Good, Sustainable development, Telling transformative stories, Changing Narratives.

Board Members

Esther Lugoe- Mengi
Board Chairperson
Martin Kalihose
Board Treasurer
Dr. Jonathan Muringani
Board Advisor
Ally Seif Ramadhani
Legal Advisor

The Team

Catherine R. Kimambo
Founder and Executive Director
Pious Sylvester
Grants and Partnership
Sophia S. Msuya
Head Of Communications and Advocacy
Denny Joseph
Marketing Manager
Richard Mazinde
Technical Lead

The instructors

Tumain Shija
HOD CyberSecurity
Safi Kassongo
HOD Data science
Danieli Ntambala
HOD Programming
Clever Kalinga
HOD Networking