Empowering Education When democracy speaks Technology listens
Your path to Digital Excellence starts Here

We focus on changing narratives about the African continent.

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School Connectivity

The School Connectivity Project aims at scaling up the success from providing access to educational information through the Internet to schools.

Ongea Na Demokrasia

Seeks to sensitize citizens on the importance of democracy and also to develop open digital civic spaces.

African Child Academy

African child academy providing access to the Digital Skills for Inclusive Digitization project in Tanzania.

Providing access to educational information through the Internet to schools.

The School Connectivity Project in Kilimanjaro is depicted in a video showcasing the delivery of desktop computers and routers to schools. The African Child Project technical team configures the internet, setting the stage for students to acquire digital skills. The video highlights students learning to use computers and navigating the E-Fahamu learning portal. The video showa an interactive session where students explore the technology firsthand, creating a dynamic educational environment.

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